And so began the worse day of our holiday.
- In the morning we had planned to go into the Blue Mosque but decided that we couldn't be bothered. Looking back on that decision it would appear that we angered Allah.
- We hadn't heard whether Alitalia were still flying. Thursday (today) was to be the day when it could all go to shite. We decided we should get to the airport early to find out.
- Alitalia was flying but our flight was delayed by an hour. Then 1 hour 20 mins. In the end it took off 2 hours late.
- When we eventually got to Rome, the ATM at the airport would give me money but not Ben. I bought us train tickets to the Termini. We had a train leaving for Nice at midnight. We missed the train, saw it pulling away from the platform. Had to wait 30 mins for another one.
- We needed to use the internet so when we arrived at the Termini we went to the internet cafe nearby, but it was no longer an internet cafe! We'd used it a week earlier!
- Found some food (our other desperate requirement). When the bill arrived at the end, there were some illegible squiggles that were apparently worth €4 and €6 but which didn't correspond with anything we'd ordered. We decided not to tip the waiter (he seemed to have tipped himself)
- Ben tried to get money from an ATM. It wouldn't cough up.
- We had 1 1/2 hours before our train left so we decided to go to see the Trevi Fountain.
- Ben tried another ATM. Third time lucky?... It ate his card! His combined credit and debit card. It was 10:30pm so we couldn't go into the bank. We also couldn't go in tomorrow because we were leaving for France! Ben was unable to access cash for the rest of the trip. I became the sugar daddy (or that's how it appeared. In reality, Ben transferred some money via the internet to my account!)
- We threw a coin in the Trevi and stomped back to the Termini, annoyed.
- Ben took another look around for some internet facilities. The Termini train station is huge and has a mall attached.... but there was nothing. It was getting cold. There was also no news of our train until 10 mins before it arrived. We got on with relief.
26th September
- I wouldn't recommend overnight train travel. Especially if the journey is only 6 hours! Perhaps if you had longer to get used to the movement you could get more sleep. As it was we had to change trains at 6am at Genova having not managed a wink. Then another change on the Italy-France border.
- Finally. Nice. And it lived up to its name (ha!)
- Found the hotel, very cute and right on the main strip, one block back from the beach.
- We went for a walk, ate crepes and Ben went for a swim, even as a storm began to blow in. I was too wussy and sat on the beach under my umbrella instead!
- We had dinner at this strange little restaurant attached to a cabaret venue. Their specialty were "les panisses". I asked what these were, had no idea what the waitress said in response but she nodded when I asked if they were vegetarian so we ordered them. Turns out they were chips with dipping sauce! I'm not sure what we were expecting but it wasn't that! Thick-cut fries with, for me, a pesto and tomato dipping sauce. So odd. Tasty but not the most filling dinner.
- That night I fell asleep with my book still in my hand.
27th September
- We had a continental breakfast on our hotel balcony. Very civilised.
- Went to an old castle on top of a hill (yes, we saw many castles on hills on this trip!). Most of the old parts had been knocked down by various kings, but the view was excellent.
- Had lunch at a trendy salad bar place (which served actual vegetables, something we desperately needed). I got annoyed because the waitress laughed at me when I said "une sandwiche chevre" and I don't know why. Perhaps I mispronounced chevre? But we ordered chevre all the time and no-one else thought it was a joke. Quelle vache.
- We both went swimming. Ben got his shoes wet by jumping into the water with them on. Then he seemed disappointed that they were wet. Wasn't really sure what to say to him.
- We found out what time the train left the next day (too early). Foolishly, we didn't pre-book our seats.
- Ben had a nap. I went shopping and bought a funky new coat to help me deal with London winter (it will appear in photos on this page in no time!)
- Had a beautiful dinner on a market square. I had creme brulee for the first time. I always knew that I'd like creme brulee... and I was right!
Next... up north. To the Medieval town of Vezelay.
Congratulations! From the pics looks like a brilliant time. Hope London is not getting to dreary, and the rights are staying human.
France’s beautiful people swarm around the city, and particularly the beaches, every year. Its situation on the Bay of Angels (Baie des Anges) makes it the perfect destination for some relaxing. Even though the area does attract a select amount of French holidaymakers, it doesn’t stop backpackers enjoying the city also.
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