Last night (Sat) there was a big bonfire/fireworks event near where my sister lives, in Alexandra Palace Gardens. The bus to her house was packed and I eventually sat next to this really cockney geezer who was asking about where I'm from and started telling me about Guy Fawkes.
He told me Guy Fawkes was French (which I didn't know) and when I said that it wasn't a very French name he countered with "Does it sound like a very English name?" Touché.
Then he started to tell me about how he hates the French because the English have been fighting them for 500 years and the Frogs betrayed the Brits in WW2 by making a deal with the Nazis to preserve Paris. He assured me that no true Englishman could like the French.
It's good to see some racist traditions continuing. And I doubt the French are all that worried about the English hating them. It was a pretty funny conversation. I did make him admit that he liked their cheese.
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