February 1, 2009

It's snow time

Ben has been hanging out for snow. The whole 2 months he was here we didn't see any, not even in Scotland. He left yesterday and I would say half an hour after he touched down in Australia today, snow started falling here! Just light showers throughout the day today, but heavy snow is forecast for tonight.

So I am yet again alone in London. Well not quite alone, there are 4 German girls sleeping on our loungeroom floor! My joke is our flat is like Poland - being taken over by Germans! Considering our flat is tiny I think 4 guests is a bit inappropriate, I haven't been able to use my own loungeroom for 3 days, but I don't feel I can say anything because my housemates have been so good about Ben staying for 2 months. So I'll just put up and shut up (in my room...!)

Last week I called the Barbican because I still hadn't been paid for the work I did over Xmas/NY and after some harassing they told me they'd been paying my wages to someone else! Amazing. I have been paid some wages, so I don't know whose, but they have to go through every payment I've ever been given and compare it to the hours I worked. Hopefully I'll get a nice big payout this week (fingers crossed).

We're also hoping for a payout eventually from our real estate agent. We've sent him a letter claiming our rent back for the period when we had no heating or hot water! As far as I know he's not disputing it but it has to go through some kind of legal process.

That's all from me for now. Over and out.

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