May 24, 2009

Playhouse problems

Today iceandfire had our show Rendition Monologues at the Southwark Playhouse in London and Al Jazeera were coming to film it for a news broadcast. I said I would meet AJ at the rehearsal at 2:30pm and arrange an interview with Christine... but when I arrived at 2pm Christine and the cast were still waiting outside the venue because no-one from the theatre was there to let us in! They were supposed to open up at 12, Christine arrived at 1:30, and by the time AJ arrived we were still locked out! Quite embarrassing for us, our first big TV broadcast. EVENTUALLY someone turned up from the theatre, but only after Christine called the artistic director 6 times (she wasn't answering) who then gave her the tech manager's number, who also didn't answer his phone!

Anyway, we got in sometime after 3pm (after Christine had been calling and waiting for 1 1/2 hours) and Al Jazeera filmed for just over half an hour. Hopefully they'll put the story online and I can put a link here.

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