July 24, 2009


Not much this week, mostly work stuff. Wed night Ben and I went to our nice local (one of the locals) The Approach for dinner. It's a really nice pub. I had actually been there before but that was when I first arrived, last Sept. Last night the DOP on Ben's New York Othello film came over for dinner, Zelmira. She's actually British although she lives in NYC and her husband is Swedish and she just got back from shooting a doco in Germany...!

Nought else really. I'm getting a bit frustrated about my lack of time to work on my own projects and write. Life just seems to get away from me all the time. I'm working part-time but then on my days off stuff just always comes up - such as today when there was a problem with my application for this video project that I submitted a few weeks ago, so I had to go into the office to fax it. Then from 5pm I'm working at the Barbican so that allows me 2-3 hours to do my own stuff, but then there are emails and dirty dishes... It's hard to make it a priority. Hopefully next week I'll get some of my own work done.

And can I just be very English for a moment and complain that the weather here has been rubbish for the past 2 weeks. Weird sun-rain-sun-rain weather - and the rain isn't even normal London rain, it pelts down and then suddenly the sun comes out and it's 23C. So odd. And annoying.

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