March 30, 2010

Attack of the four-legged fiend

ONE WEEK ONE WEEK ONE WEEK... (til Ben comes, for those who hadn't figured it out).

Working from home today but not feeling all that productive or into it. Been feeling a bit flat ever since I woke up this morning. Think maybe it's because I had a dream I was being attacked by an evil horse. Don't laugh.

Did this workshop over the weekend although to be honest I was a little bit disappointed - it just wasn't what I was expecting. I thought there would be 10-12 people and we could discuss our own projects with the group, instead it was 40 people (!) and some of the discussion was quite academic - as in it reminded me a lot of Cinema Studies at uni. I already have a degree in Cinema Studies and don't feel the need to brush up on those skills! I think I did get something out of the course, but not what I was really expecting/hoping for. There were some interesting people there. We'll see. Sometimes you don't know what you're going to get out of something until later.

iceandfire's a bit weird at the moment - there are some very deep divides and differences between our 2 artistic directors about how to approach the development of new work at the future direction of the company. Not sure what's going to happen but I was stuck in the middle of both of them during a meeting yesterday and it was quite awkward! Especially because I can genuinely see both sides of the argument. They just each have different approaches to life. Lucky they have such a diplomat on staff to keep things calm and civil! He he.

That's it really. My housemate went on holiday today, his stuff is still here but he's only going to stay one night when he gets back and then he's moving on. He's been fine but I'm looking forward to having the place to myself for a week and then... Hoorah! You know the rest.

March 26, 2010

I'm in the news!

Well. Sort of.

Photos uploaded

I've put a couple of stills up (on the right) from our shoot a few weeks ago with the Children's Society, for their OutCry campaign to get children out of immigration detention in the UK. Unfortunately I won't be able to show you the finished product for another month or so, the first cut is done but need to get feedback and sign off from the OutCry people. Will be sure to link to it when it's up, so far it's looking really good.

PS: We have no water today. Apparently all of East London is out, due to a burst water main at the Olympic site!

March 24, 2010

Spring has sprung

Spring seems to make a much bigger impact here than in Aus. I think it's the combination of the longer, harder winters, but also the bulbs that spring up seem to bloom and come to life really suddenly. As soon as the weather gets warmer the flowers suddenly come up, as does everyone's mood!

Will finally be able to start editing the children in detention film tomorrow. It's been a bit of a pain - I explained about the software issue in my previous blog. Ben sent over Final Cut Pro. It was supposed to be here on Monday but customs whacked a £126 charge on it!! So they wouldn't deliver it until that was paid. It finally arrived today and, despite a couple of close calls/scary hitches, it seems to be fine. I've imported and logged all the files so can begin tomorrow in earnest. The prison film isn't finished either! The last offline edit day is next week, the online days in mid-April. I am getting paid a bit extra to make up for the fact that the film just WILL NOT END! So that's good. It's like any job though, when you start getting frustrated by it, you start to wonder if the money is really worth the pain!

Otherwise, not doing much. Busy during the day but have had very quiet evenings all this week. Just waiting for Ben to get here - 12 1/2 days! Hoorah! The countdown has well and truly begun.

Doing a screenwriting course this weekend. I've got a particular script I need help with so hopefully it's useful. I'll make you all read it when I'm happier with it...! He he.


March 17, 2010

The dust settles

It seems that this prison film will never end. It was supposed to be finished by now. So many delays and postponements - I just want it over with! Grrr.

This week is less busy than last week as a result though. Was supposed to be editing today but now it's cancelled. iceandfire is also calmer, after our new script launch last Friday. Can't edit the children in detention film yet either, am waiting on some new software because my version of final cut (I've got the cheap Express version) won't read the files from the camera - so haven't even seen the rushes!

Some of you might be interested in the music video I made a little while back, I finally got around to sending it to the singer, Aisling Stephenson, and she's put it on youtube...

C'est tout mes amis.

A bientot.

PS: This is my 100th blog post! Yee ha! *Insert blowing party whistles, fireworks, etc...*

March 6, 2010

New showreel

As some of you know, I freaked out this week about my showreel and have updated it! Many of you, my friends and family, feature in the new "highlights" edit that I did: