March 17, 2010

The dust settles

It seems that this prison film will never end. It was supposed to be finished by now. So many delays and postponements - I just want it over with! Grrr.

This week is less busy than last week as a result though. Was supposed to be editing today but now it's cancelled. iceandfire is also calmer, after our new script launch last Friday. Can't edit the children in detention film yet either, am waiting on some new software because my version of final cut (I've got the cheap Express version) won't read the files from the camera - so haven't even seen the rushes!

Some of you might be interested in the music video I made a little while back, I finally got around to sending it to the singer, Aisling Stephenson, and she's put it on youtube...

C'est tout mes amis.

A bientot.

PS: This is my 100th blog post! Yee ha! *Insert blowing party whistles, fireworks, etc...*

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