September 8, 2008

Birthday blues...

It was my birthday today. A strange non-event considering the other things going on in my life. And the only present I got was a cold (I asked for a pony, I got a sore throat. What's up wiv dat?)

Spent the day running around trying to book a studio space for our video shoot on Thurs. It's amazing how such a small and seemingly simple task takes all day because people take forever to call you back! Or never do. Got 2/3 cast confirmed. No big names unfortunately, mostly due to the aforementioned problem of people never calling back! Still, the actors will be really good so the video should still be pretty powerful.

Been offered the small apartment with the nice people, which makes me happy. Might have somewhere to live, quite a relief!

That's all for now. Look forward to hearing the goss from home.


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