May 30, 2009

Musings on the week

I'm afraid there is nothing much to report about this week. Apologies to those of you who think my life in London is glamourous and filled with constant excitement. A few minor highlights...
  • Skype meeting with World of Chickens' Dublin producers on Tuesday. Will hopefully be meeting with them face-to-face in the next couple of weeks to make final script changes and to sketch out casting/financing plans.
  • Some movement also on the other feature project, Happy. Response from a distributor in London who has met me a few times saying he wasn't sure if I was experienced enough. So I (rather cheekily) emailed him and have set up a meeting next week! Aims are to either change his mind about me and/or find out what he thinks I should do next. He's quite big-time.
  • Haven't seen Rendition Monologues on Al Jazeera, will have to follow that up! Did get some further interest from a magazine publication though about the viral, Third Sector Magazine (focused on the not-for-profit sector in UK)
  • Had a meeting with charity FilmAid about collaborating with them on a project. Meeting went well, they seemed very impressed with iceandfire and what we do.
  • BEAUTIFUL weather here at the moment. 25C for the next 3 days and sunny. This afternoon I'm going to the park with Fliss and Pete (I'm also assuming Thea) and will have a few beers (it's legal here!) before going to see a play. Well, Felicity is going to a party but the rest of us will see a play!
That's it I think. Got the Amnesty International Media Awards on Tues night, which I'm actually looking forward to. I get to dress up and maybe do some shmoozing, not sure who will be there.

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