October 31, 2008

Looking up?

It's funny how things can start to turn around and make everything feel OK.

Over the weekend I decided I was going to change my attitude (which had been rather negative) and put myself out there more and enjoy as much of the London experience as I could. I therefore went along to an AFHR performance, saw a gig on Sun and went to the theatre (by myself!) on Wed night. Good things have already started to happen. The Secret was right all along...

Of course, first there was the news about the funding. Now I have a purpose, at least 2 1/2 days a week!

Then last night I went to a doco screening with a new friend (another CB! I have so many friends with those initials! And I'm married to BC...) and a TV/film producer insisted that I should contact her for a meeting and send her my showreel - I'd only been speaking to her for about 4 mins! After the cold calling and the (so far) unsuccessful approaches to agents having someone initiate a meeting with me was amazing. CB was impressed as well - we both know that hardly ever happens. CB and I went on to have a lovely dinner, all in all a good night.

I suppose it shows the difference between face-to-face meetings and trying to introduce yourself over the phone. I'll have to make myself go to more events (which, given my usual lazy, verging-on-anti-social nature will require some effort! Resisting the pull of the doona and DVD...)

5 weeks til Ben comes over.

2 weeks til I move to my new place.

3 days til I start earning £

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