February 26, 2009

Ahhh awkward moments

Not sure if I wrote about the hoo-ha with my pay at the Barbican? Where I found out they had been paying my wages to someone else?? It was about a month ago. Well I met the person who had accidentally received my wages the other day... and they took them back off her! Even though it wasn't her fault, it was their mistake! They just deducted it off her paycheck in one lump sum, which I think is pretty unfair. She hadn't even been told what was going on. Slightly awkward when she pointed at me and said "It was you, it was your wages I got", but we both agreed it was management's fault (management blames payroll, who blame management!)

Speaking of awkward, I went to the pub the other day and the friend I was meeting was late so I was sitting at a table by myself. A couple asked if they could sit on the other side of the table and I said yes. They got some drinks and then the woman proceeded to say "I wanted to talk to you today because I think you've been drinking too much and you get abusive and cruel towards me when you're drunk..."!! I was about 2 metres away! I didn't know where to look. I was furiously sending pretend text messages on my phone and staring into my beer. Then the guy started to cry. Oh my God, the pain. Thankfully my friend arrived soon after and the couple moved to another table (although we could still see him crying!)

My German housemate is moving out, which I think is probably a good thing. I like her as a person but she is difficult to live with. But now we'll have to find someone else, and the room is very small and rental prices have dropped in the last few months so it might not look like a good deal... Oh well!

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